I started Big Little Choices while navigating my own parental journey as the mom of a 2 year old. I felt like there was no shortage of information on how to raise my child - between my incredible mama tribe, the wealth of information online, and the endless stream of ‘we mean well’ family and acquaintances. Even with all these resources at my disposal, what I came to realize was that unless I made a decision that came from a place of authenticity to me, it never felt right.
The early months of motherhood are incredibly hard. We’re sleep deprived, not as knowledgable about parenting as we think we are, and left with an infant who can’t clearly communicate their wants and needs. And in my case, this that led to my own insecurities about whether I was doing anything right. Not being able to breast feed until the ideal age, not sleep training at the ideal age, or being able to find balance in anything I was doing, these are issues that nagged at me well into the toddler years. The only thing that helped me during this time, was hearing from others who were going through similar experiences. The more I talked to other women, the more I realized that even if they were unlike me or making decisions different from mine, we all had the the same intention - to parent in a way that felt most authentic to us.
This podcast came about as a way to spread these stories and celebrate the rich diversity of choices in our communities.